
The trusted setup is coordinated entirely in the telegram group chat. People who are selected will take turns making their contributions. When it is your turn, the Succinct team will message you an AWS access key and secret for uploading your contributions.

Make sure your computer you’re running this on has the following

  1. Install docker on your computer. You may already have it installed. Check by running sudo docker ps .
  1. Make the directory where all your downloaded files & contributions will live
mkdir trusted_setup_workspace
# Do not cd into the folder!
  1. Pull the docker image.
sudo docker pull
  1. Run this command to download + generate contribution + upload your contribution. Will take 1-2 hours, depending on your machine. Your entropy should not have spaces or random characters like * that will mess up the command line.
sudo docker run \\
	--name succinct \\
	-d -v trusted_setup_workspace:/workspace \\ \\
	sh scripts/ \\
	--contributorHandle "TWITTER_HANDLE_WITHOUT_@" \\
&& sudo docker logs -f succinct
  1. After the above commands complete, tweet the provided link and you should be done!

FAQ / Troubleshooting

Detailed Trusted Setup Guide