The trusted setup is coordinated entirely in the telegram group chat. People who are selected will take turns making their contributions. When it is your turn, the Succinct team will message you an AWS access key and secret for uploading your contributions.
Make sure your computer you’re running this on has the following
sudo docker ps
.brew install docker
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y docker-compose
sudo systemctl enable --now docker
mkdir trusted_setup_workspace
# Do not cd into the folder!
sudo docker pull
sudo docker run \\
--name succinct \\
-d -v trusted_setup_workspace:/workspace \\ \\
sh scripts/ \\
--contributorHandle "TWITTER_HANDLE_WITHOUT_@" \\
&& sudo docker logs -f succinct
FAQ / Troubleshooting
mode so that you don’t have to keep your terminal alive.docker logs -f --since 10m succinct